Equivalent of Oracle PL/SQL TRIM function in SQL Server (T-SQL)

In PL/SQL, when the TRIM function is called with just the data parameter it will strip the leading and trailing spaces.   You can accomplish the same functionality in t-sql by using two t-sql functions:  LTRIM (strips leading spaces) and RTRIM (strips trailing spaces).  An example of accomplishing this would be the following:

One thing to note is that TRIM with the LEADING parameter and ‘ ‘ as the character to be trimmed is exactly the equivalent of the LTRIM function in t-sql;  TRIM with the TRAILING parameter and ‘ ‘ as the character to be trimmed is exactly the equivalent of the RTRIM function in t-sql.

You can also create a user defined function for TRIM in your database.  The following listing below will do that for you.

After running the above script you could test it by running the following:





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